God Is Good

God is good, so we’re invited to dream big

Nothing Is Impossible

Nothing is impossible, so a huge part of our life is designed around trusting God

The Blood of Jesus Paid for Everything

Everything we’ll ever need was dealt with at the cross, so we must come to a place of trusting Him in everything and receive His glorious Gospel of grace

The Kingdom of God is relational, so we value and cultivate relationships

We Are Significant

God has made us each to be significant, so we love and serve well


Experiencing what the Father is truly like - He heals us from an orphan mindset.  He is good all the time. He deeply loves us and we don’t have to earn it. He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Jesus’ greatest mission was to show us the Father.

Body Ministry - Recognizing the giftings and abilities of individuals, developing them and allowing them to be released to function in whatever form is possible as they grow.

Culture of Honor - Creating a culture of honor by accurately acknowledging who people are positions us to give them what they deserve and to receive the gift of who they are in our lives.

Connection/Community - Learning how to do relationships well, getting healing inside, releasing healing to others, discipleship, opportunities to practice and grow, doing life with one another multi-generationally.

Testimonies – Constantly needed, they are the life blood, stirring up hunger for more sharing what God is saying and doing in the now.

Rhema “Now Word” - Revelatory teaching with demonstration and invitations into encounters.

Demonstration of Kingdom Realities (being seen) - Supernatural signs, wonders. I Cor 4:20 – “For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power.”

Prophetic Culture - The many aspects of hearing God, speaking into one another’s identities, calling out the gold in one another, seeing as God sees, being led of the Holy Spirit’s nudges

Dreaming with God - As we find our true identity from heaven, we can begin to envision with God and implement all He has designed for us to step into.

Healing Culture - Praying for each other. God wants to heal.

“Now” Worship - Flowing with the Holy Spirit in the music/worship which is releasing the now emphasis of God for the season. Releasing the many expressions of worship.

Spiritual Fathers and Mothers - Being mentors who, receive from, impart, and release sons and daughters who value those who have gone before.

5-fold Ministry - Practically functioning in unity with one another and the Holy Spirit to equip and exemplify kingdom culture.

Creativity - Happening in every arena – full of life everywhere, constant increase.

Presence Focused - God’s Presence, the ultimate quest. Led by and focused on what God is doing, not what the enemy is doing (just aware of it). Learning to flow with and steward the glory of His Presence.

Prophetic Prayer – Happy intercession from heaven to earth.

Bringing the Kingdom – Living out our faith, so God’s kingdom is a reality to the world around us, truly affecting our families, community, the region and the whole world.